I could not believe it! I was held up and taken for a ride that freaked me out. I knew there were lots of carjackings and computers being hijacked, but this was really close to home, like literally right in my back yard. Who hijacked me? Or should I say WHAT hijacked me? Well, none...

Sitting quietly the other day, I was looking up at the sky and watching the clouds float by, suspended in a beautiful ceiling of blue. Watching clouds is so relaxing to me. I wondered why that was. Clouds float effortlessly in the space of the sky, free to come and go. The sky offers no...

What a month February was! Terrifying would be a good word to describe it, as I faced some of my very worst fears. For example, I was on top of a New York City skyscraper, outdoors, with little guard rails and major winds blowing, activating my fear of heights. I could feel the surge of...

Several weeks ago I was listening to Doctor Radio, a station on Sirius radio broadcasting from NYU’s Lagone Medical Center. I am fascinated by all things medical and neurological and over the years have trained in brain/body-based therapies including EMDR, Brainspotting, and Hypnosis. In fact, my first job out of graduate school in 1976 was...

The other day, I went shopping in a new place that has the weirdest configuration of parking spots, aisles, and arrows that I have ever seen. I’ve been there a few times and, since this was my first Saturday off in years, I now know what people do with their time -SHOP! In my confusion,...

Shining a Light on Smelly Stuff

Shining a Light on Smelly Stuff By Harry Nozicka A few evenings ago, Steve came prancing across our yard as he often does in the early evening. We don’t really mind and it’s always amusing to witness his cute rituals as he seems to pay little attention to us watching him. Steve is a beautiful...

The truth? If anxiety rules your world, you probably spend a lot of time avoiding the world. Fear and worry likely makes you tense, frustrate your relationships and productivity, and keep you stuck and on edge. All of which amplify your fears that things will never change. Fortunately, you do not have to go on...

Parental anxiety is nothing new. Parents worry about a myriad of dangers: potential abduction or abuse, academic performance and future success, peer pressure, and internet influence. Not to mention our insecurities about how well we instill the values and relationship skills that make pursuing happiness as possible as adults. However, some particularly anxious parents live...

How are you feeling? Are you queasy and nauseous? Managing another headache or dizzy spell? Missing another day of work because of aches and pains that flare up when presentations or group project deadlines loom ahead. Are performance anxiety and the fear of being judged harshly keeping you from being productive? It may be that...

When your natural, protective fight or flight instincts become irrational or overwhelming, anxiety can get in your way. Anxiety is no longer a healthy natural defense mechanism, at that point, but an exaggerated or constant false alarm, rooted in your automatic thoughts. Your roiling emotions and debilitating beliefs about yourself and what the future holds...