Personal Development Coaching

Personal Development Coaching

What is Personal Development Coaching?

PDC is similar to Life Coaching and emphasizes the persons innate wisdom, Intelligence, and resourcefulness to empower them to move in the direction of their goals. The focus is forward oriented , with outcomes and goals very specifically defined. Coaching is not psychotherapy and spends little time dwelling on how things got stuck and much more emphasis on necessary action to get unstuck. We are more interested in helping the motivated client overcome obstacles versus trying to understand “why” the obstacle is there.

What Happens in a Coaching Session?

The client who comes for coaching will quickly be engaged in defining “well formed outcomes” through a dialogue with the coach about changes they are looking to make. The client is helped to be very specific as to how they will know the changes have taken place. The coach holds the client accountable for taking the necessary steps to create change. Our coaches are trained to illicit vital information from the client through skillful questions, reflection, and challenges to the clients blocking beliefs and negative patterns. Always in a supportive atmosphere, the coach can provide direct feedback to the client in order to create new awareness of old patterns and new possibilities. The Coach walks besides the client on their journey as they venture into the unchartered waters that every important change requires people to face. Coaching sessions can be conducted face to face in an office, coffee shop, library or on the telephone or internet vehicles such as Skype or FaceTime.

Who Can Benefit from Personal Development Coaching?

PDC is effective for anyone who feels stuck and, who is motivated to make changes they believe will lead to a more satisfying life. Some of the issues brought to the coaching process include the following:

  • Relationship conflicts
  • Changing negative beliefs
  • Formulating specific goals and objectives
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Parenting Issues
  • Dealing with physical issues
  • Health related issues ie. Dealing with cancer, diabetes, weight reduction, developing a healthy exercise program
  • Life Transitions such as changing jobs, divorce, dealing with aging parents, moving and other loses
  • Performance anxiety in the realm of public speaking, auditions, sports performance, test anxiety, and interviewing for a job

Coaching is a no nonsense approach to change that requires commitment and risk taking. When client’s are able to overcome obstacles and get to the other side of change, the level of self mastery, excitement, pride, satisfaction, confidence, and sense of empowerment to make choices is amazingly increased. A new “ICAN DO IT” mindset allows clients to develop creative, effective tools and skills to take on future challenges with an expectancy that they will succeed!!